General ImageLink FAQs
Most Asked Questions
1) Where are documents stored?
2) How much space do documents take?
3) What Scanners can be used with ImageLink?
4) What kinds of documents can be controlled by ImageLink?
5) How are documents stored (what format)?
6) How much space is required to store the image of a document?
7) What are the hardware and online nolvadex system requirements for ImageLink?
8) How do I place an order for ImageLink?
1) Where are documents stored?
Documents are stored in Windows folders (directories). This provides a convenient way to access the eriacta documents and allows any document to be stored in its native format (Word, Excel spreadsheets, audio or video files, jpeg, etc.).
2) How much space do documents take?
For scanned documents, a good estimate is 50K bytes per page. This is based on the following:
- 8½” X 11″ page
- White paper with black print
- Good contrast (not gray, not newsprint)
- Scan density of 200 dots per inch
- Scanned as black & white
With the above assumptions, one gigabyte of storage would hold 20,000 images.
Other document types (such as Word, Excel, etc.) will take as much as they would in a normal Windows environment. That is, ImageLink does not compress these document types.
For each document, ImageLink also takes about 400 bytes within the SQL database.
3) What Scanners can be used with ImageLink?
ImageLink communicates directly with scanners that comply with the TWAIN standard. Low-speed and medium-speed scanners and other imaging devices (such as digital cameras) typically support this standard.
Devices may be connected via parallel, serial and USB interfaces. Serial interfaces are usually not recommended due to performance considerations.
Scanner Resolution
Most contemporary scanners can support resolutions from 100 to 1200 DPI. We recommend black and white with a resolution of 200 DPI for daily business documents such as invoices and receipts. This would include documents that contain signatures. This resolution is consistent with typical FAX quality and zovirax online overnight meets the needs of reading pages and verifying signatures and date stamps. This resolution will typically allow a scanned page to be stored in 50KB.
Color and 300 DPI or greater should selectively be used for photographs and quality reproductions of product brochures. This higher quality is usually required to properly represent such documents. When scanned with these higher resolutions, they can take from 200KB up to 40MB of storage. For this reason, care should be taken when processing at these resolutions to scan only special documents (like employee or product photos), not daily transaction documents.
Multiple Pages
ImageLink handles multi-page documents very well. If you do not have a sheet feeder, ImageLink allows additional pages to be scanned and appended to an existing document. If you do have a sheet feeder that supports the sheet feed THROUGH THE TWAIN INTERFACE, then ImageLink will handle the zovirax uk price multiple pages as well.
Sheet-feed Scanners
We have not found an inexpensive (TWAIN) scanner with a reliable sheet feeder. Precision handling of pages is an expensive component. This is why most FAX machines do not reliably handle multiple pages and to insure that there are no multi-feeds, you have to stand at the FAX machine and feed the pages one at a time.
4) What kinds of documents can be controlled by ImageLink?
Any document intrinsic to your accounting needs are a candidate for document imaging. This would include vendor invoices, customer orders, proof of delivery and buy viagra 25mg cheaply correspondence.
Electronic files such as emails, spreadsheets and Word documents can be brought into ImageLink’s control using the “Drop Zone” or “Browse” features.
5) How are documents stored (what format)?
Documents are stored in Windows folders and therefore allows any document to be stored in its native format, e.g. Word, Excel, audio, etc.
ImageLink documents are stored in TIFF format. There are no limits to the number of images (pages) that can be stored in one TIFF document. When ImageLink imports non-image documents, they are copied into ImageLink’s data repository.
6) How much space is required to store the image of a document?
For scanned documents approximately 50kb per page. This presumes 8 – 1/2” X 11” page, white paper with black print, a scan density of 200 dots per inch and scanned as black and white. At this resolution, 1 GB holds roughly 20,000 pages that would approximately one standard size
four-drawer file cabinet.
Other documents, Word, Excel will take as much as they would in a Windows environment. ImageLink does not compress these other document types. For each document ImageLink also takes approximately 350 bytes within the SQL database.
7) What are the hardware and system requirements for ImageLink?
Whatever server and workstation your accounting ERP system resides on is sufficient for ImageLink.
For a workstation – With Windows 7 or Windows 8 – a 64-bit processor.
SQL Server – Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition, 2000 or above.
8) How do I place an order for ImageLink?
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